Be Scared, But Do It Anyway

You’ve heard this before, but allow me to remind you that your tomorrow is not promised. Growing old is a gift, and one that should not be wasted just waiting for the day you feel ready to take action on your desires.

When you look back at your life, you likely won’t feel regrets over the things you said or the risks you took that didn’t work out the way you planned- what you will feel regrets over are the things you thought about saying a million times but never let your lips utter the words. The ideas you let play on a loop in your mind without ever committing them to paper or to tangible actions.

A lot of us, myself included, are guilty of waiting for permission to reach for more. Waiting for some authority that says “go for it! Your dreams are within reach!” What if instead, we remembered that WE are that authority for our own lives, and the only ones who have the power to turn our dreams into reality.

There has never been another you on this planet, and there is a reason why you’re here. There are a million excuses why not to chase your dreams, but there are a million more reasons why it’s exactly what you’re here to do. The world needs your gifts, your style, your joy.

Stop waiting for the perfect time to become the version of you who is ready.

The unfortunate truth is that you’ll always be scared. And that’s ok! The magic comes from being terrified and totally unsure of what is coming, and having the trust in yourself and your higher power to know you’ll be ok if you do it anyway.

The medicine lies in facing your fears. It will open more doors for you than you could ever imagine.

You got this.




Quitting My Job to Sell Flower Crowns